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Hozan Mustafa


Hozan Mustafa: Chief Operations Officer

A graduate of the Business School at the American University, Houzan Mustafa serves as the Chief Operations Officer at Castle Group in Germany.

He oversees the company's daily operations and works diligently to develop and execute operational strategies.

His responsibilities also include:

Human Resources Management: Including hiring, training, and development.

Supply Chain Management: Ensuring the smooth operation of the supply chain and achieving optimal outcomes.

Mr. Houzan possesses extensive experience in operations, including:

Management: He has high managerial skills and the ability to efficiently lead a team.

Organization: He organizes operations effectively and ensures their smooth progression.

Leadership: He inspires his team and motivates them to achieve the best results.

Additionally, his strong analytical skills help him to:

Data Evaluation: Analyze data accurately and make informed decisions.

Problem Solving: Address challenges efficiently and effectively.

Mr. Houzan is a model of a successful Chief Operations Officer, possessing the necessary skills and experience to lead operations and achieve success for the company.

Hozan Mustafa
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