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Ahmad Mustafa


Eng. Ahmed Mustafa is the person who manages the company’s funds effectively and honestly and performs his tasks in analyzing the financial statements, which means the process, analysis, and study of the financial data and converting it into a pattern or form of relative or absolute information that is useful in knowing the positive and negative aspects and evaluating the financial and operational reality of the project during a certain period The financial planning is done by identifying the financial needs of the company and preparing comprehensive financial plans (long-term with strategic goals and short-term with operational goals and preparing estimated budgets related to the revenues and expenses of the company in the future).

One of the most important functions performed by the financial manager due to his participation in the formulation of the long-term policy of the company and the financing operations in the future thus leading to determining the structure of the assets in the company and its components in the future. Short-term and long-term, after which the optimum size of investment in current and fixed assets is determined whose results affect the future of the company, in addition to the importance of following up on the obsolescence of fixed assets and the extent of their efficient contribution to operational processes and the need to replace, renew or expand it, and that is by knowing What happened previously to the assets and what could happen in the future in light of the company's future strategic plan


Ahmad Mustafa
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